Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

Week 18 Picture

Every week I look at the picture and say, "Wow! Look at my belly! I don't feel like I look that big."

This week is no exception. I think it's the skin tight clothes, but really- I don't look this big in regular, everyday clothes.

FYI- this will be your last weekly post with "He/She" because on FRIDAY we find out PINK or BLUE!

Baby P is now 5 1/2 inches long and over 7 oz (apprx the size of a bell pepper). He/She is busy flexing his/her muscles and I SWEAR I felt him/her while sitting in the pew at church on Sunday. Chase said his "What To Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding" book said I will say that a lot, but they are mostly false alarms-and it was probably my donut sticks being digested. BUT I SWEAR I felt him/her. It was the oddest feeling... it was like a goldfish swimming 2 inches below my belly button. I felt it once- then again- and again... and then it went away. Man!  Whether or not it was him/her it immediately put a big ole smile across my face. :) I look forward to many many more times feeling of our little "goldfish" swimming around.

I'm feeling pretty good these days. Still a little tired and sluggish- and an occasional belly ache- but all in all I am feeling great! But I do think my think my eyes are starting to change. I am beginning to notice myself squinting to see things that just a few months ago I could see just fine. Darn Hormones...

And I am sure you are wondering how my workout videos are coming.... I don't want to talk about it ok...?!?!?

I am anxiously counting down until our ultrasound Friday at 10:45. I have had a VERY typical pregnancy until now. Everything has been totally normal and right by the textbook- so there has been no reason so have an ultrasound until now. So this will be our very first look at Baby P!!! So excited! 

So on a side note I have a funny story.... Chase came up to me last night to ask me a question with SKITTLE BREATH!!!! He thought he could be sneeky and get into the candy I bought for the gender reveal party/halloween that I purposely haven't opened because I would eat it all. That STINKER! He should have known that nothing gets past this pregnant lady's nose... especially candy. He thought he was so smooth... but I was on to him. We got a really good laugh out of it!!! :)

YAY! On to week 19!!!


  1. Omg! I can't wait till Friday!! I can't believe you are almost half way through!! DDs last week and then she will be sewing up a storm!! Love you

  2. Your belly is adorable! Love all of the pictures!
