Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

Your week 17 Belly shot

Baby P is getting so big! He/She is now 5 ounces and 5 inches long... and I can tell he/she is growing because my belly is growing too :). Not to mention I still get those growing pains when I sneeze. His her bones are beginning to harden and turn into hard bone instead of soft cartilage. He/She is movin and groovin now- but I have not felt him/her yet. I should feel the first few flutters in the next few weeks.

Big new for Momma P this week- At 17 weeks and 1 day a I wore my first pair of maternity pants. I have been able to fit into my "fat jeans" for the last few weeks, but I got a new pair of boots that I wanted to wear and my skinny jeans are just that... Skinny... So I sure as heck could not fit into them. I am not quite big enough to fill out maternity pants yet though. I kept having to pull them up. I hate this in between phase. Regular clothes are too tight and maternity clothes are too big. Hopefully I will begin to fill out the maternity pants a little better with this growth spert baby P is about to hit.

Still pretty sure I am having a very strong willed child... I get more and more openly opinionated by the minute. I agree or I don't, great idea or horrible idea, I like you or you get on my last nerve, and so on... And I am quick to give you a piece of my mind about it. I am blaming it on my hormones. Well that or I am turning into a momma bear.... One or the other.

I was bound and determined not to be forgetful. Well- anymore then I already was before I got pregnant. I have always been known to be forgetful--- so I was afraid... how much worse it could get? How have I done you ask? AWEFUL! I can not remember anything! But that hasn't stopped me from trying really hard. I am the queen of list. You can always find at least 2 list in my purse at all times... a grocery list, list of things to do when I get home, list of baby items I need, list of baby items I have, list of items to get for the gender reveal party, list of things to fix on the house, list of people to call, list of errunds to run on my lunch break, list of things to discuss on Tummy Tuesday... I make tons of list now. But it doesn't seem to help... I loose the lists....

We find out what baby P is on Oct 7th... in case you are counting... becasue I am... thats 10 DAYS! I am so excited to find out pink or blue!!!

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