Thursday, October 6, 2011

'Twas the night before the Ultrasound

So I am sitting here just thinking... in a matter of mere hours we will find out wether we are having a son or daughter...

I am trying to savor this feeling of not knowing....

I am sure after tomorrow and especially after the baby is born I will not be able to picture my life with out him or her. Right now I can picture us having a daughter with bows as big as her head and everything monogramed, but on the flip side I can also picture us with a son- a son who loves dirtbikes and wants to be just like daddy. Tomorrow that will all change.

Tomorrow I will know what we are having and it will be hard to picture my life any differently.

Tomorrow our future will turn a shade of blue or a shade of pink.

Tomorrow I will know whether we will buying dirtbikes or leotards.

Tomorrow I will know glitter or dirt.

Tomorrow I will know...

But tonight I am trying to savor this feeling.

On to Million Dollar Question.... "Do you want a boy or a girl?"

Short Answer: Either is fine, we just want a healthy happy baby.

Long Answer: Before I got pregnant I wanted to have a boy first. You know, an older brother to watch out for his younger siblings. I never understood it when people said they didn't care... I mean really people? I was thinking... "Yes you do have a preference, and it is ok. It is not like you are going to be disappointed if you have the opposite sex- but you have a preference and it is OK. I mean if you could play God- what would you choose?" But the moment we found out I was having baby that thought disappeared. I totally understand now. Because we could really care less.

Yes- it would still be nice to have a boy first to be that protective older brother, but if I have a girl I could breath a sigh of relief that I've got my girl because I defiantly want to have a girl... eventually. And hopefully a daddy's girl that has Chase wrapped around her little finger. :) I want to go shopping, get mani's and pedi's, plan a wedding, and do all those things a mother and daughter do. But- If we have a boy I also can breath a sigh of relief that I will not have a house full of girls. I don't know how people do it that have all girls. All that estrogen, tears, and glitter... WOW!

So really we don't care... We both want to have both eventually and it makes no difference to us who comes first. We just want a healthy, happy baby.

And the Half Million Dollar Question: "What do you think it is?"
I HAVE NO IDEA?!?!?!?!? - Some days I think boy, other girl? I have had 3 baby dreams. 1 that it was a boy and 2 that it was a girl... if that means anything? I guess we will find out tomorrow.  :)

Now, I am going to try to sleep... wish be luck... it is worse than Christmas Eve!

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