Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

Still waiting for that bump.... I feel pudgy, bloated, and thick but no baby bump yet... After looking at this picture...there is defiantly a bump, but I am pretty sure that bump shows up every time I am bloated, so I am not considering it a baby bump just yet.

Baby P is now the size of a lima bean, again doubling in size this week! Wow... at this rate there should be a baby bump soon :). His/Her fingers, toes, and eyelids are all beginning to develop, and the tail is disappearing. It is crazy to me that all this is going on inside me... I (well mainly the man above is, but I am helping) am making life... so crazy!!!

As for Momma P- I am still really tired, emotional, and yucky feeling. The only difference I have really noticed this week is I am so forgetful. I can't remember anything! I have never been very good at it but these hormones have really compounded my forgetfulness. It's getting ridiculous. This week I was going to share some so-called "Daddy-isms" with you. A Daddy-ism is something Chase says about the pregnancy that I find worth sharing. But I have seemed to miss place the list I was keeping... Go Figure.

So here are a few that I can remember:
- "I hope you are not one of those weirdos that eats dirt"
- "It's OK hunny, it's just your hormones." (this is his excuse for me when I do or say ANYTHING)
- "You are the best looking pregnant lady here."
- "As positive as your pregnancy test"
- "I can't wait to play fat or pregnant with you"
- "Wonder what you are going to look like in 7 months"- immediately followed by...
- "I bet you are going to waddle"

There are so many more, but I can't remember them, nor can I remember where I put that list.

Wish me luck as I enter Week 9...

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