Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Let me set the stage for you....

Last Friday afternoon the bug guy came to spray our house. When he was done, he called me outside to "show me something." We go out on the front porch and he points up a crack in between the bricks and the roof/gutter. I interrupt him saying... Yeah we know there is a birds nest up there (remember the bird in our house that is where is came from.) 
Bug Guy: "Oh, No mam... there is a snake up there."
Me: Ummmm---- Come again?!?!?!?!?!
Bug Guy: "Yes, Mam- I guess the snake found the nest and has been eating the eggs. I went to spray up there and a few feet of him curled back up in there"
Me: Oh, so what do you do about that.
Bug guy: Well, I'm sorry mam, but we don't do snakes.
Me: Oh ok, well thanks... (thinking- really dude, your a pest guy and you don't do snakes??? I sure a heck don't DO snakes either!)

So I call Chase and fill him in on it. Chase is as scared of snakes as I am, so he says to call my brother Robert and see what he says to do about it.

Robert: Well, what kind of snake is it?
Me: I don't know- and I am sure as heck not going to get close enough to look.
Robert: Oh, ok well I can come out tomorrow and get him.
Me: Ok thanks!

So the on Saturday Chase and his Dad get up there and are trying to find the snake. He is long gone.... no sign on a snake anywhere- so I call Robert and tell him not to worry about coming out the snake is gone, and he tells me to put sulfer powder in the crack so he won't come back.

Ok Great! So Sunday- Chase and I head to Lowes to get sulfer powder, and Monday Chase sprays it into the crack... All's Well... Or so we thought...

Now on to the Main Event...

It's Tuesday night, I am sitting on the couch working on my Tummy Tuesday blog and watching TV, Chase has gone to get gas, and Claire (my sister in law that is staying with us) is playing on her computer in the recliner.

I'll blog for a min- then watch a little TV- blog a little more- watch TV a min- Blog a little- I look up at the TV again and I see a SNAKE slithering out from behind the TV up the the stone fireplace!!! I freeze staring at it. Not taking my eyes off of it I very calmly say, "Claire, the snake is inside."
Claire: huh?
Me: The snake is inside. (pointing) He is crawling up from behind the TV. 
Claire: OMG!

We run out side... then realize the dogs are inside... open the door get the dogs and put them in the back yard. I call Chase:

Me: Hunny, The snake is in our house!
Chase: .........
Me: Did you hear me?
Chase: uh, yeah... I think my heart just stop for a minute. Do I need to some back?
Me: There is a snake in the house
Chase: Oh ok, well I am coming home, but go get Adam. (our neighbor)

Claire and I decide that we should probably go back inside and watch the snake to see where is goes. Because if we loose him in the house it could be a long night!

I go to Adams, and he comes over about the same time Chase gets back. By this time the snake has made his way into the blinds.

Adam grabs the snake by the head and starts to quickly walk outside with him. Chase said that the snake immediatly curled around his arm and by the time they got outside his veins were bulging out. They laid the snake out and cut his head off with a shovel. All's Well Again...

I think it was a python, water moccasin, rattle snake hybrid.... but Adam said it was just a chicken snake. There is no such thing as JUST a snake, especially a 3ft plus snake.


  1. When people tell me "that snake won't hurt you" I tell them BUT IT'LL MAKE ME HURT MYSELF!!!!!! I hate snakes. Good Kill!!!!!

  2. Good Lord!! I am freaked out!! I can't believe you picked up that thing. Even in it's death, it's a killer. Yucky.
