Friday, July 8, 2011


I will remember this day for the rest of my life.

Something happened today that will totally change the course of our lives...

Every decision we make from here on out will be affected by what happened today...

Life as I have known it will change...

Today I found out we are going to have a baby!

Today started off like any other Monday- Chase's alarm went off- snooze- alarm- snooze-alarm- and he finally rolls out of bed and hits the shower. I get up and head into the kitchen to make him a lunch. Most days I am up and ready by the time Chase even gets up, but Monday's are Chase's early days at work so he has to get up and leave before I normally even get up. So I pack his lunch, and send him off like any other Monday... but this Monday was about to be life altering.

Most Monday's I would get in the shower as soon as Chase left, but this morning I took a pregnancy test first. We had been quote un-quote "trying" for about 3 months now... and of the last 3 months this month was the one I was most certain I was not pregnant. Yeah, it was possible but I was almost certain we had missed it. I didn't feel any different, I didn't have the keen since of smell, I was not sick to my stomach, I had no signs I was pregnant- Other then my period was about 6 days late. I had taken 2 pregnancy test a few days earlier (one the morning before we went to Arrington Vineyards since I knew I would be drinking wine) and the other about 2 days prior. Both negative.... So I wasn't getting my hopes up. I had one good pregnancy test left in my stash (the others were dip-stick ones I ordered in bulk online), so what the heck.... I'll try... What could it hurt....

So I took it....





Finally the results are in....

In that very second a flood of emotions over came me... All at once I was Excited, Anxious, Joyful, Nervous, Happy, Exhilarated, and Worried. But above all else I wanted to call and tell Chase!

I wish I would have really thought of a cool way to tell him, but I was so excited! I didn't have time to think! Option one: call... No... Option two: send him a picture of the pregnancy test... ok so I should have kept thinking, but I didn't- Option 2 it was...

About 30 seconds after I send the text my phone rings... The first part of the conversation went a little like this:
Me: Hi Daddy!!!!
Chase: Really Anna Marie, You sent it to me in a text.... :)

Ok- Sorry- I should have come up with something better but I was too excited to keep thinking.

The rest of the conversation (after a lot of smiling in silence, "REALLY!?!?!" 's, and "I told you so" 's) was about what to do next- getting an appointment with the Dr- how we are going to tell our families- Questions to ask the Dr., When I might be due, etc.

After we hung up, I just kept staring at the test- PREGNANT

Now I guess I have to start getting ready for work (only 20 minutes later then planned).  This was how  my morning went.

Shower- Look at the test...

 Yup- Still says Pregnant.

Dry my hair- Look at the test...

Yup still says Pregnant!

Put on make up- Look at the test...

Get Dressed- Pull the old test out of the trash

Yup- they are still negative....

OK one more look before I walk out the door for work...

Yes! It still says PREGNANT!

Needless to say it was a long day at work... I couldn't wait to get home and celebrate with Chase! First thing I did when I got home was show it to him! Look how proud!

And Proud Mommy! Maybe 5 week along...

Last but not least... Proud Sister Libby :)

***Disclaimer: This post was written on 6/27/11 to capture the moment, but sorry I won't publish it until after we see the Dr. on July 8th :)


  1. So sweet!! I'm so excited. Can't wait to see you and chase in roles of mommy and daddy. :). Love y'all!!

  2. You are cracking me up taking pictures with the stick. We're so happy for you guys!!!! Wouldn't it be great if it was twins???
