Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

Finally... I little bump!!! But I'm still not convinced that it's not mostly bloating. :)

Baby P is now the size of a grape and finally looks human! Wahoo! Up till now, the pictures looked like it could have become anything from a bird to a frog... but now our little grape is now distinctly human. All of the body parts are now accounted for and will spent the next 7 months being fine tuned (including the boy/girl parts :), but they will not be distinct enough to see the difference until week 18 or so).

As for Momma P I am counting down the days until I am out of the first trimester. It's hard to enjoy being pregnant when I am tired and nauseous all...day...long. I slept 16+ hrs both Friday and Saturday night- and I could have slept longer... making life is sure tiring work. I am defiantly counting my blessings though, because I hear all kinds of horror stories of how bad off some people are. It could defiantly be worse.

This past weekend, Mary Leigh and I went to a consignment sale and I bought 2 of my first baby purchases.
Car Seat Cover

Play Mat

I have also begun forming a mental list of the things I will need, don't need, maybe need, and have. I would LOVE advice from all you moms out there. :)

- Car Seat/Jogging Stroller combo (nice umbrella stroller down the road)
- Crib and Crib Mattress
- Video Monitor
- LOTS of Diapers & Wipes
- Lots of Cloth Diapers
- Pump (maybe rent from the hospital???)
- Bottles (what kind?)
- Some kind of sling (again, what kind?)
- Hooded towels and wash cloths
- Baby hygiene stuff (baby powder, Butt paste, body wash, shampoo, etc)
- Noise Machine
- Wipe Warmer

Dont Need:
- Diaper Genie
- Pacifiers (I want to try our hardest not to use them, but we will see how that goes...)

Maybe Need:
- Swing (but what kind? floor? back and forth? side to side?)
- Vibrating Chair

- Changing Pad (need to make some covers)
- Furniture
- Rocking Chair that also reclines (I hear that's the way to go)
- Some hand me down toys
- Play Mat
- Car Seat Cover
- Boppy (need to sew some covers when we find out the sex)
- Pack N Play

Any advice is welcome!!!

Wish me luck as I enter week 10...

p.s.- We get to hear the heart beat Friday :)


  1. Yea for cloth diapers!! We loved bum genius for Wesley, and when she was a newborn Kissaluvs fit the best.

    I recommend a swing, so you can shower, and cook. That's when I used ours and it worked for both. And ours just went back and forth, it was used and she didn't care.

    I also loved our diaper pail, it was not a diaper genie but a diaper champ, that can take any garbage bag. I had two, one for regular with a plastic bag, and one for cloth with a cloth-ish waterproof bag from bum genius.

    I tried the moby wrap for a sling, but never got the hang of it and switched to the baby bjorn structered carrier and loved it! I liked wearing her much better than carrying her in that heavy car seat!

    And my crappy car-sick feeling disappeared at week 14, hope yours goes by sooner!

    Sorry for all the comments, just so excited for y'all. Please let me know if you need anything : )

  2. No advice here from your grandmother! Just a comment that I always look forward to Tummy Tuesdays!!!!

  3. I’m a friend of Mary Leigh’s and followed her link on her blog to you.

    My advice: skip the wipe warmer. We had one and threw it out. It dried out the wipes way too quickly.

    I had a Bjorn, Moby, Hotslings, and Kokopax Carrier. The Moby was my favorite. It took a while to learn to put on, but once I did, I could do it fast. And it caused the least amount of back pain. Colin loved it the best also. I used the Kokopax as he got older to put him on my back as I made dinner. He usually fell asleep in it and I pulled out the kickstand and let him sleep in it while we ate. I used the Hotslings to hip carry around 10 months. He wasn’t a fan of Bjorn, but Hallie is borrowing it now and says Cole loves it. Every baby is different!

    The swing and bouncy seat were a must for us. The Bumbo seat – not so much.

    Even though you can buy some things cheap at consignment sales, try to borrow from friends too. Then you will have less to store once you are done with it. And pay it forward. Lend out some of your baby things when you don’t need them anymore. Then you don’t have to clutter your closet with currently unused stuff but you’ll still have it for future babies since you loaned in out instead of selling/trashing it. You are welcome to borrow any of my baby carriers. =)

    Enjoy being pregnant!


  4. Hey Anna Marie! I'm very excited for you two! Can't wait for y'all to find out what y'all are having! I was wanting to recommend the graco soothe swing from target.com very awesome. Also, the bumbo seats are amazing to feed and teach them how to sit up! Good luck!
