Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

Tummy Tuesday- (n)- your weekly pregnancy and or baby Peeler update. And best of all a picture! :)

As hard as i would like to imagine there is....No baby Bump Yet!

Today's Tummy Tuesday I will be answering the most frequently asked questions I have been getting lately...

- How far along are you?
    - Today I am 6 weeks and 5 days. Thursday will be 7 weeks.

When are you due?
    - March 2nd. 2012 is a leap year so we may have a leap year baby!

How are you feeling?
    - Up until Sunday I had felt totally fine. No symptoms what so ever... but I was just waiting on them to hit me. I guess since I made it "official" by announcing it, my body thought it was time to start feeling pregnant. The best way to describe how I feel is yucky. I don't have nausea or indigestion- I'm just yucky. It's the feeling right before you get the flu when you don't feel good, but you just can't put your finger on what's wrong. I rollercoaster from feeling about 90%-50% through out the whole day. Some moments I feel fine, the next I could curl up in the fetal position. And I am really tired.... not sleepy tired, just tried. I don't want to sleep all the time, I just want to not do anything. I have no energy.

Have you had any cravings?
    - Not really- I really wanted a frosty on Sunday- but I saw a commercial and it looked really good- so it didn't come out of no where- but maybe not all cravings do?

Do you want a boy or a girl?
   - To tell you the truth, before I got pregnant Chase and I wanted a boy first. We wanted both sexes, but defiantly a boy first. I thought it was a cop out to say, "either one, as long as they are healthy." It is ok to prefer one over the other- That doesn't mean you are going to be disappointed if you get the other, it's ok to have a preference. But now that I am pregnant I've had a change of heart. We defiantly want to have both sexes still, but the first one doesn't matter. Yeah, it would still be cool to have a boy first to look after his younger siblings, but if we had a girl first I could breath a sigh of relief that I would get to do the huge bows, monogram everything, smocked dresses, paint her fingernails, etc. So we would be ecstatic to have either one.

Do you think it is a boy or a girl?
    - At first I was thinking boy, but everyone is saying it's a girl and the Chinese gender predictor (which claims to be 50% accurate mind you) says girl- So Who Knows???

When do you find out?
   - Doc said we will do the first ultrasound at 20 weeks. That is early to mid October.

This concludes your first of many Tummy Tuesday's!


  1. I'm going to love tummy Tuesday's!! I can already tell! :)

  2. I'm so excited! Your blog is about to get so much more active.
