Saturday, September 24, 2011

Consignment Sale

So you may be thinking... "What can one by for $35 at a consignment sale?"

Well let me just show you!

- Snap-N-Go Stroller
- Vibrating Bouncy seat
- Bath tub safety seat
- Countertop Drying Rack
- 6 burp clothes
- Swaddle-Me wrap
- Handy Hook for Stroller
- The Expectant Father Book
- Bath tub spout cover
- Baby food holder
- Baby Positioner for bed

YES... Thats 11 (gender neutral) items for $35! I would call that a deal!


  1. What consignment sale are you shopping??

  2. YOu are gonna love that bouncy seat! I have that same one and its saved me :) Good buys!
