Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

Your weekly belly shot- Still not a lot of change, but I guess that is good seeing as I don't have any summer maternity clothes and it is 90 degrees outside!

And who wants to see a naked belly shot from yesterday... (kids cover your eyes)

Baby P is now 15 weeks! WOW! Where has time gone? I mean in less then a month we find out if it is boy or girl... Really?!?! Wowzers! Makes me more concious of cherishing each moment of my pregnancy and not trying to wish I was farther along because before I know it I will no longer be pregnant and he/she will BE HERE!

Baby P is now 4 inches long and weighs about 2.5 ounces (about the size of an apple)... He/She is getting so big! His/her legs are growing longer then his/her arms now and all his/her joints are mobile. Although his/her eyelids are fused shut right now, he/she can sense light and respond to it.

side note: 4 more weeks before it is a He or She and not a He/She... not that I am counting down or anything.

 For the most part I have mainly only wanted semi-healthy foods, and not many sweets, but this week I have developed a severe sweet tooth... for Candy! I can't get enough!!! It started as just Twizzler pull-n-peels, but now it's ANYTHING fruity and chewy... skittles, starburst, sour patch kids, sweetish fish- YUM! Man my mouth is watering just thinking about it. :)

CVS put the candy that was on sale RIGHT BESIDE the prenatal vitamins... SERIOUSLY?!?!?! I guess they know what they are doing. :)

Be it a boy or a girl, I am fairly sure I am going to have a VERY strong willed child. I don't know what has gotten into me but I have become very strong willed lately. Things that I would have just let roll off my back I have confronted the person about. I mean typically I'm pretty passive, go with the flow, don't want to buck the system, and try to aviod controversy at all cost... But lately it like I go looking for it. Seriously, you cross me and I am quick to give you a peace of my mind (and then cry about it). Which has not boaded well with our contractor (yes... our roof is leaking again... more on that later), at work, or with my family. I definatly feel better after getting it off my chest, but my goodness- I've turned into this cold hearted, take no prisoners, won't take no for an answer momma bear. Kind of scary...

Moving on to Week 16....


  1. Anna! I love it! You've got a poochie tummy! So excited for you! I can't wait to get my hands on this baby. :)

  2. Oh girl, I can tell a difference in the last week! SUPER CUTE BELLY! You're such a cute preggo!
