Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

Here is your weekly tummy shot... Not much change again...

This weeks big development for Baby P is he/she can now squint, frown, grimace, and possibly suck his/her thumb! I can not wait to have an ultrasound and get the first few glimpses of his/her personality... I mean you can tell a lot about a person from their facial expressions. He/she is now 3.5 inches long and weighs a little more then an ounce. His/Her ears have now moved from their neck to the side of their head, and his/her eyes are now in the middle of their face and not on the side of their head. He/she looks like a baby not an alien :). Have I mentioned how excited I am about seeing him/her on an ultrasound!!!!

Baby P got a good check up this week (and so did momma P)- Everything was normal and right on track. I got some good news, I am A+ blood type which means I do not have to have that injection at 20 weeks! Wahoo! Cause we know how much I HATE shots... I am already stressing about the epideral! UGH!!!! I have weighed the options of not having it, but then I come to my senses. Surely the GINORMOUS needle can not hurt as much as giving birth with out it. But- I guess it says a lot about how scared I am about shots to even consider it. :) Next check up is Oct 7th and we get our first ultrasound!!! WAHOO!!!! And for those of you who were worried about the pain when I sneeze- it is just my uterus growing and nothing to worry about.

This weeks stats:
1 doctor visit
3.5 total pounds gained 
150 beats per min
0 maternity clothes worn
3 gender neutral baby items purchased (a bumpo, a moby wrap, and a head rest for the car seat)
4 periods of nausea
15 invitations ordered for our gender reveal party
7 nightly potty trips
1 friend from work found out she was pregnant... Don't drink the water, right?!?!

Here's to week 15...

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