Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

So I haven't really felt like I had a baby bump yet... just baby pudge. I feel like I just look bloated, but that all changed when I saw this picture.

OMG!!! Where did that bump come from?!?!?!?!?!!? Maybe it is twins :) I don't feel like I look like this... maybe it is because I wear baggie scrubs everyday? After Chase took this picture he grinned ear to ear and said, "Look at your bump!" I had him take it again just to make sure it wasn't a funny angle or something- but the next one looked just a big. Holy Cow!

So as you can tell Baby P is growing like a weed! He/She is 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs 1/2 and ounce. He/She now has reflexes- which means if I poke my belly he/she will move in response, although I will not be able to feel it for many weeks. Neat Huh?

As for Momma P- I am feeling much better! I still have a few short periods of nausea, but it is so much better! I am still very tired all the time, I'm even napping in an operatory chair during lunch. Hopefully in the next few weeks that will subside too. But over all I can not complain.

I have been "craving" mostly healthy things... Does that mean it's a boy? Some of my main cravings:

- Raw Veggies (mushy cooked veggies sound gross!)
- Fruit... any and all fruit!!!
- BLT sandwiches
- Pizza
- Baked Potatoes
- Salad
- String Cheese
- Twizzlers (only the soft pull and peel ones)
- Sub Sandwiches
- Chick-fil-a ..... Christina- I wish yall lived closer, I would single handedly keep you in business :)

You know you are pregnant when the snacks you bring to work looks like this:

Thursday starts week 13... the last week of the first trimester, WOW!


  1. Wow! Quite a change from last week!!!!

  2. Your snack picture is cracking me up!! Lovin' that bump girl!!

  3. Omg! I love the bump! Your hair is getting long... looking more like a momma!! I wish you were closer so I could feed you all the time!!!!!! yay for 1st trimester almost being in the books!!!
