Monday, August 15, 2011

Change is coming...

Today Chase started a new job.... yes, you heard me right.... a new job!

For the past 2 years Chase has been working at a salvage auto auction trying to work his way up the ladder, and finally it happened. Everyone has been saying what potential he has in the auction business, but we have just been waiting (not so patiently) for his move up the ladder. Chase is now the manager of his very own auction with employees and all! Yay for Chase! The only catch is it is in Tanner, AL... which is why I have not blogged about it yet. Trying to gather my thoughts about a move. We can split the difference between our works and live in the Spring Hill/ Columbia area and both commute to work. Spring Hill/Columbia is only like 45 minutes away from where we are now and once 840 opens we will be closer to Memphis- but for some reason it seems like a BIG move. I guess I am a little overwhelmed. I mean all in the next 6 months we are going to move, start a new job, and have a baby... kind of a lot of life changes at one time. All positive life changes, but still changes. We've done it before (graduated, married, moved and started new jobs all in 4 months), so we can sure do it again, but this one caught me off guard. The other one was years in the making... but this one came up fast and I can not plan for it. Maybe thats why I am struggling with this. I can't plan it out.

We can't move until we sell our house, and with this market it could be a while... So that will give me more time to let this sink in. This is a great opportunity for him, and a positive move for our family. And I am super excited about buying a new house!

And how was his first day you ask? IT WENT GREAT! He had such a good day, and the commute is not too bad for now. He leaves at like 6:00 and gets home at like 6:30- not too shabby for an hour and a half commute. He seems like he is really going to enjoy this job, and I am so proud of him!

Please pray for our transition and that we make wise decisions about our future.


  1. I've been thinking about Chase all day since I knew it was his first day on the new job. So very glad it went well! Don't stress yourself out, Anna. I know you're a planner (it's a family trait), but just take one day as it comes. Things will work out....How exciting things are now in your life. God is good and I'm so proud of you and Chase!!!!!!

  2. so good to hear the first week went well!! :)
