Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

23 Weeks

Mary Claire is now over 1 pound and 11 inches long... What a big girl!

So this past week Momma P wasn't feeling so hot. I must have gotten some sort of stomach bug, because I was up almost all Tuesday night. Yuck!!! Not to be to graphic but when I would get sick, Mary Claire would go WILD!!!! I don't know if my stomach tensed up and mashed her or what- but she did NOT like it! It was reassuring to feel her sqirm to know that she was ok though :).... I am determined not to be "that mom" who calls the doctor with a bazillion questions, or at every little sniffle. It was just a stomach bug and as long as I could keep fluids down and stay hydrated I would be fine.  BUT- We had had breakfast for dinner on Tuesday night which included eggs. I made extra sure mine were cooked all the way but I just couldn't help but think about the "what if's." I have now leanred not to google my symptoms and just put "pregnant" in there somewhere, because after doing so- I was bound and determined I had salmonilla posioning. So, I finally called the doctor explained to her that "I know I am fine", "I am able to keep crackers and water down", "I don't have a fever", and that I "just feel yucky"- but that "I need them to tell me I don't have salmonella posioning because the internet says I might." After laughing (pretty hard) she assured me that I did not have salmonilla. That I would know it if I had it because I would not be able to keep ANYTHING down and would be running a high fevor not to mention it takes hours to show up after eating contaminated foods so I would just now be showing symptoms. Anyway- it took a few days to recoop- but we are good now!

Mary Claire is becoming a lot more active these days. I feel her move all the time, but last Tuesday night for the first time we got to SEE her move. It was the coolest thing watching my belly dance around as she was was getting comfortable and snuggling in for bed. :) And now- when I take a bath I can watch the water ripple as she moves... So cool!

Mary Claire's little ears are almost fully developed and keen enough to hear outside sounds now, so of course Chase and I talk to her. The sweetest thing happened just Sunday night- I was laying there and he came up and starting talking to Mary Claire and she immidatly started moving. She knows her daddy's voice!!! It made me tear up! It may have just been a coinsidence but I am convenced she knows his voice. He would say "I love you Mary Claire" and then you could see her kick. It was so sweet.

Friday I have another doctors appointment- the dreaded glucose test.... yuck! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for Tuesday's to come to get an update on Mary Claire!!!!!
