Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tummy Tuesday

26 weeks

** Note to self... Please remember to take your tummy tuesday picture after church when you are freshly showered, hair fixed, and make up on. NOT at 10:30 on Tuesday night after you have gotten ready for bed. Every one will appreciate it- including yourself. ** 

Margaret is now 1 2/3 pounds and 14 inches long- and going to be running out of room quickly once she starts packing on the weight. She is not as active as Mary Claire was, but she is a night owl just like her sister. She takes gymnastic class every night around 10:30 or 11. It's quite fun! Mary Claire's movements were typically kicks, jabs, and punches that were mostly out toward my stomach. Margaret is more of a roller. She doesn't so much kick- she rolls. It's like my stomach is doing the wave or something. I also feel her movements more toward my spine and pelvic floor. I never felt MC kick back or down but Margaret sure does.

Momma P has had a sinus infection/allergies since about last Friday- I hate taking medicine especially when pregnant so I have tried to suffer through with very little relief. If you have seen me wiping my eyes it is not because Chase is being mean- and if I answer the phone and you think you have called a caveman do not be alarmed its still me. I sick me, but me all the same. 

And last but not least they have started Margaret's Nursery!!!! Last week they framed everything, did the HVAC, electrical, and insulation. Hopefully they will have her sheet rock up by next weeks post.

Closet framed (front) and the door to the new attic (right)

insert crib here

View from the door looking into the room- it's a long skinny room- crib to left

 View from far side of the room

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