Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tummy Tuesday

24 Weeks

Comparison of Mary Claire (left) at 24 weeks and Margaret (right) at 24 weeks

Well last Friday brought another good Doctors appointment. I got to hear Margaret's little heart beat- that never gets old. It was also glucose test week, which I apparently passed since I haven't heard anything. I was a little nervous that I may fail because I have been getting brain fog lately where I just can't think straight. It's crazy- I hear what's going on I just can't processes anything. Doc said it is probably my blood pressure and not blood sugar. Apparently progesterone causes the smooth muscle tissue to dilate which thus causes my blood pressure to drop. Since I already have low blood pressure- the smallest drop can give me "Brain Fog" as he called it. So if I am ever staring at you blankly, don't take it personally I am probably not all there. 

My body temperature must also be on the rise. I am hot all the time and that is VERY unusual for me. I am typically always cold. It's going to be a LONG, HOT summer.

I also broke down and added maternity bands to the tops of my scrubs. WHEW! I can finally breathe after lunch again. 

Margaret now weighs just over a pound and is over a footlong. Her proportions have evened out and she looks like a normal, lean baby now with see through skin. Her lungs are beginning to mature by developing branches and producing sufacant (apparently important in inflating the lungs after birth). If I were to give birth to her now- there is a good chance she would make it. She would have some developmental issue and be in the NICU for a LONG time but she would probably survive. Especially being a white, female the odds are in her favor. Kind of crazy to think about. As hot as I am going to be I hope she plans on hanging out in there for a while. 

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