Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tummy Tuesday

Week 38

WOW! Look at that BELLY!!!

Look Close...
It peeks out the bottom of my maternity shirts :)

Mary Claire is now nice and plump- and so is Momma P! She is ready for life on the outside- and momma and daddy are anxiously awaiting her debut! This next week and a 1/2 is going to be an intensive waiting game.

Chase got me a prenatal massage for Valentines day- and I use the term "massage" very loosely. I walked in and it was a big black guy with a history in physical therapy. He started by asking me if I wanted a "simple" "relaxing" massage, or if I wanted to- he always prefers to relieve the tension and stress put on the muscles due to the pregnancy. So of course I went with the later....

So after 1 hour of some serious tension relief and extensive stretching I felt like a limp noodle. There were points during the "massage" where I really wanted to come off the table and hit the guy, but at the end I got up and wanted to kiss him on the mouth.  It was not-at-all relaxing but man did it make my muscles feel so better- and I slept like a BABY! Worth every penny! Thanks hunny!

Last week's doctor's appointment was another good one-
Few more pounds gained.
BP was a little high at first, but then came back down.
I'm now dilated to 2cm.
And I go back this Thursday.

Doctor said this weeks appointment could very well be my last appointment!!! She said at this appointment they MAY set a date to induce if I do not have her by my due date. The catch is I am due on a Friday- and I hear most doctors don't like to deliver on the weekends (but then again who does want to work on the weekend?)- so will they set my date to induce ON my due date? Or wait until the next week? I am kind of hoping for on my due date or on the day before because that way all of our out of town family can come in over the weekend. More than that though- I hope she comes when she is ready. I just wish we could tell her we are all VERY VERY ready for her when ever she is ready for us.

So that leads me to the next segment:  

MISSING: One "Mary Claire"

Her Baby Quilt- made with LOVE by D'D

Bottles cleaned and ready

She even has her own seat in the den

Closet Organized

Crib ready (finally!!!)

Car Seat in car (and extra base in daddy's car)

There are still a few last details need to be done- hand shelves in her room- something for the wall above the crib- new bedding for guest bed in her room- hang the video monitor- etc--- but nothing big...

Come on baby girl... Momma and Daddy are as ready as we are ever going to be! We can't wait to meet you!!!

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