Thursday, February 2, 2012

To: Mary Claire Love: Momma

Dear Mary Claire,

Guess what? You're due month from today! It seems like just yesterday your daddy and I decided we were ready for you, and soon you will be here!

You are very special. I know this and we haven't even met you yet.

I’ve heard it said that once a mother and father hold their baby for the first time, the amount of love in their heart is overwhelming. It’s something I’m told we can’t imagine until we experience it- but for me, it’s not that hard to believe. Though we haven’t met, we love you so much already. I know our love for you can only grow, and I’m excited for that. I’m excited to meet you—our first child. 

My mind wanders daily... I wonder what it's like for you where you are now. I wonder if you are getting impatient like your daddy and me and anxious about the time you come into the world. But first things first Mary Claire... you still need a few more weeks of prep work. Don't get any big ideas... :)

We are new at being a mommy and a daddy, so I hope you will cut us some slack. You'll always be the guinea pig as our oldest child. We'll expect a lot from you, but we believe in you 100%. You should expect a lot from us, too. We've been entrusted to take care of one very special little girl.

I can tell you right now that we will not always get everything right the first time. Or second or third or fourth... Luckily for us, we serve a faithful God who will be with us every step of the way. 

I pray that you will be a strong woman of God. I pray that you follow Him every day, allowing him to shape you into the woman He's designed you to be. I pray that you know Jesus and love Him with your whole being. I pray that you are full of integrity, grace, love, and compassion. I pray that you are loyal, trustworthy, hard-working, and full of laughter.

Your life story is just about to begin, and I hope you are able to experience life to the fullest. I hope you travel the world, eat incredible food, meet amazing people, enjoy true friendships, fall in love, and discover your passions. I know the world may seem really big and scary, but it's full of so many amazing experiences, and your daddy and I wish them all for you. 

I promise you, baby, that we are going to do the very best we can for you. We are going to love you, support you, teach you, laugh with you, and cry with you. Sometimes the road will be bumpy, but we will always be there for you.

I'm so excited to watch you discover new things every day. We are going to have so much fun together, just you wait and see. :)  Your daddy and I love you sooo very much already and can't wait to meet you!


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