Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

Week 27

I am 27 1/2 weeks along today--- just incase you are doing a count down to due date, it is in a mere 12 1/2 weeks! Wahoo!!! Christmas and New Years will be here and gone before I know it, then it will be crunch time for the final preparations before she makes her BIG debut! Time has really flown by...

Mary Claire now weighs almost 2 pounds and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and maybe even sucking her fingers or thumb. Maybe she will be a thumb sucker... babies are so cute when they suck their thumbs! Her brain tissue is developing more and more each day, and it is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now. But let's just hope she stays put until at least after Valentines Day. I think it would be neat if she was born on February 20th because that is Chase and my "Dating Anniversary"- or Maybe February 29th since it is leap year. But- as long as she is happy and healthy I don't really care when she comes! I'm really excited to meet her :)

New for Momma this week- LEG CRAMPS!!! I never knew they were common in preganacy until I had them 4 nights in a row and googled it (after the stomach virus I vowed never to google symptoms again, but I just had to know). Apparently they are very common in the late 2nd trimester and into the 3rd trimester. My expanding belly is putting pressure on the veins that return blood from my legs to my heart as well as on the nerves leading to my legs. And unfortunatly, they will only get worse and there is not a lot I can do about them- BUT if this is my only complaint (along with occasional heatburn) I'll take it!

Check out my belly button... It's doing a disappearing act...

Please disregard the dark line developing down my belly.

I got a flu shot this week too- I figured I'd better since she asks me every visit if I have gotten it yet and I have another appointment this Friday. I don't want to be on her naughty list right here at Christmas time! :)


  1. This is awesome! I can't believe you are gonna be a momma! Love you!

  2. not gonna lie, if your belly button pops out, i'm gonna be a tad grossed out.
