Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tummy Tuesday 36 Weeks

36 weeks and 5 days. On Thursday I will be 37 weeks which is considered "term" (technically "early-term" until 39 weeks- but still TERM) Here we are at the very end. Bitter sweet. I love being pregnant- there is just nothing else like it, but I also can.not.wait to meet the newest member of our family!

Got all her hand-me down laundry washed, dried and folded this weekend. Just need to get her dresser in the "nursery" and fill it up. Also realized I have plenty of PJ's in Newborn and 6m size but only 3 in 3m size?? and I only have ONE burp cloth. How is that even possible?

Last Wednesday was my first weekly appointment. At one day shy of 36 weeks I was already progressing "quite a bit" at 3cm and 50% effaced. She said with most women she would say that means baby will be coming early, but with me it really means nothing. My body just progresses more and sooner than most before actual labor starts. This is apparently why I deliver so quickly too.  Sylvia is also already head down- Yay! 

She squeezed on my belly and took a few measurements and estimated that Sylvia already weighs 6.5-7lbs. Right on track to be a 8-9lb baby depending on when she comes. But who knows how accurate that exactly is?

My next weekly appointment was actually this morning and not much has changed. Still holding steady, but my belly measured slightly smaller than it did last week which is a little concerning.
 It could most likely mean 2 things: 
1- Low amniotic fluid 
2- Baby girl is dropping lower 

Doctor said it is most likely the second because of all the pressure I have been having, but still wanted to do an ultrasound to check the fluid levels. Ultrasound showed a perfectly healthy 6 pound 15 ounce baby girl. Fluid level is on the low side of normal so we will repeat the ultrasound next week to compare levels. Doc says no reason for concern, just precautionary.  

We talked again about induction at both appointments. Still not crazy about the idea, but also not crazy about the possibility of delivering her the mini van either. The typical day she would recommend for someone in my situation is Monday the 5th, but since that is labor day (how's that for ironic?) we would have to bump it to Wednesday the 7th (I could do it any day after the 1st but she would not be the one to deliver and if I am inducing I want MY doctor to do it, not some doctor I have never seen before). If the whole point of induction is to be in a sterile, controlled environment during labor then what is ONE day before my due date going to matter? Ideally I would pick the 31st but that is 38weeks and 6 days and insurance will not pay for an induction before 39weeks 0 days (the very NEXT DAY) unless "medically necessary". Guess we will wait until closer to time to make that decision. Fingers crossed I just go into labor naturally sometime between the 27th and 31st and Chase is home with me to take me straight to the hospital. Here's to wishful thinking.....

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