Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tummy Tuesday 34 Weeks

Woah, she is really beginning to poke on out there! 

Sylvia is  now pushing 5 pounds and around 17 inches long. Her skin is more like that of a newborn's now and no longer see through. Her lungs are still maturing and although she would still be considered pre-mature for another 2 weeks and 2 days (37 Weeks) babies born after 34 weeks typically have no long term health issues. Right now, she is just packing on the fat which will help her regulate her body temperature once she is outside the womb. 

Speaking of body temperature. Holy Cow!! Who turned the heat on? I can not seem to cool off these days. I am hot All.The.Time. Being outside is down right torture when it is 95+.  I get all sweaty and sticky; my thighs start chafing, and it's already hard to breathe before you add this Memphis humidity- being outside makes cranky. 

Sylvia is still VERY active these days. I am constantly getting round house kicks that rainbow over the top of my belly button. Mary Claire got to watch and feel my stomach roll the other night as we read our night time story.  It was sweet to watch Mary Claire's face light up every time she felt her baby sister move. Sylvia also gets the hiccups multiple times a day which I feel in my right hip- Both high kicks and low hiccups are signs that she is already head down which is great news since she is quickly running out of room to make large movements. 

Over-all I am still feeling good, I'm not uncomfortable, or hurting but I am starting to feel a lot of more pressure. She must be dropping lower or stretching her hands out or something because I feel like she weighs 10 pounds.  Next week I have my first weekly appointment and first check so I am a excited to see if all of this pressure is sign of progression or just part of carrying a 3rd baby.

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