Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Tummy Tuesday 33 Weeks

Wow... 33 weeks... really in the home stretch now. I only have 6 weeks and 2 days left until due date! 

Sylvia is a little over 17 inches long and 4 whopping pounds! She is rapidly loosing her wrinkly skin and alien look and starting to look more and more like a newborn. Her skeleton is hardening although most areas will not complete fuse together until after birth. She is starting to be able to control her own body temperature and yawns, swallows, and hiccups frequently. "They" say she should be making around 8 movements every 2 hours that can be felt, although I think she is moving a lot more than that. Kid is a wiggle worm!

And I am still feeling great. I think heart burn and shortness of breath is here to stay but if this is as bad as it gets I'm golden! It's hot as hades outside and this little heater I am carrying is not helping the situation.

At my OB appointment last week she asked my feelings on induction, possibly an early induction. I have a history of quick labor which is a blessing, well unless you live 45 minutes from the hospital. She called it something that starts with a P- heck I don't remember- but I am textbook of whatever it is. I dilate and thin quite a bit in the weeks before delivery so when I go into labor baby comes quickly even with a normal labor progression because of the head start my body has. With MC my water broke then contractions started and she was here in 5 hours (not bad, but apparently quick for a first) and with Margaret I was induced- but I got pitocin and 2 hours later she was here. Doc is concerned with such a rapid progression between baby 1 and baby 2 that *could* mean baby 3 will come even faster. It is also common for subsequent babies to be bigger than the last. Baby 1 was 6 pounds and Baby 2 was 8 pounds and at this rate Sylvia *could* be pushing 9 pounds at delivery. Delivering a 9 pound baby in the car is not ideal, nor safe for either of us. All of this is what potentially *could* happen not necessarily *expected* to happen so we will just wait and see for now.  I guess it was all depends on how I am progressing and how she is measuring as to what we decide to do. I would rather not be induced, but if that is what is takes to keep us safe and healthy then that is what we will do. 

So with that being said I REALLY hope nesting sets in soon. I seriously need motivation to get all the baby stuff out of the attic. I need to take inventory to decide what we need to buy and what we have that I need to clean so she can use. Not to mention I need to start setting up her "nursery closet". I mean seriously, she could be here in about a month.

Tummy Tuesday 33 Weeks

Wow... 33 weeks... really in the home stretch now. I only have 6 weeks and 2 days left until due date! 

Sylvia is a little over 17 inches long and 4 whopping pounds! She is rapidly loosing her wrinkly skin and alien look and starting to look more and more like a newborn. Her skeleton is hardening although most areas will not complete fuse together until after birth. She is starting to be able to control her own body temperature, and yawns, swallows, and hiccups frequently. "They" say she should be making around 8 movements every 2 hours that can be felt, although I think she is moving a lot more than that. Kid is a wiggle worm!

And I am still feeling great. I think heart burn and shortness of breath is here to stay but if this is as bad as it gets I'm golden! It's hot as hades outside and this little heater I am carrying is not helping the situation.

At my OB appointment last week she asked my feelings on induction, possibly an early induction. I have a history of quick labor which is a blessing, well unless you live 45 minutes from the hospital. She called it something that starts with a P- heck I don't remember- but I am textbook of whatever it is. I dilate and thin quite a bit in the weeks before delivery so when I go into labor baby comes quickly even with a normal labor progression because of the head start my body has. With MC my water broke then contractions started and she was here in 5 hours (not bad, but apparently quick for a first) and with Margaret I was induced- but I got pitocin and 2 hours later she was here. Doc is concerned with such a rapid progression between baby 1 and baby 2 that *could* mean baby 3 will come even faster. It is also common for subsequent babies to be bigger than the last. Baby 1 was 6 pounds and Baby 2 was 8 pounds and at this rate Sylvia *could* be pushing 9 pounds at delivery. Delivering a 9 pound baby in the car is not ideal, nor safe for either of us. All of this is what potentially *could* happen not necessarily *expected* to happen so we will just wait and see for now.  I guess it was all depends on how I am progressing and how she is measuring as to what we decide to do. I would rather not be induced, but if that is what is takes to keep us safe and healthy then that is what we will do. 

So with that being said I REALLY hope nesting sets in soon. I seriously need motivation to get all the baby stuff out of the attic. I need to take inventory to decide with we need to buy and what we have that I need to clean so she can use. Not to mention I need to start setting up her "nursery closet". I mean seriously, she could be here in about a month.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Tummy Tuesday 32 Weeks

Note: the outee, I mean hernia... and dang she is HIGH! :)

Baby Sylvia is now pushing 4 pounds and almost 17 inches long- approx the size of a cantaloupe. Over the next 7 weeks and 2 days (roughly) she will be gaining 1/2 a pound a week. That means she will gain 1/3 of her birth weight in these last few weeks as she fattens up for life on the outside. She now has toenails, fingernails, and hair (or so "they" say).

Still feeling great overall! Baby girl is growing like a weed and pushing my diaphragm up, so that means less space for my lungs and pretty regular heart burn. Every now and then Chase will look over at me and say, "You're panting"- cute right? So, in other words I get winded just sitting still. I'm not very agile anymore and I've gotten the pregnancy waddle too.

Sylvia has gotten a few things this week though!

Name tags for her bottles

And a new carseat! 
She will start in the one we had for the girls, but will get one of her very own for Christmas. Because what else does a 3 month old want or need?

Still in the market for a coming home outfit, but having a hard time finding what I want. 

Headed back to the doctor tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tummy Tuesday 31 weeks

Sylvia is just over 16 inches long and 3.5 pounds. All major organ development is complete although her lungs are still immature. From now on she will just be packing on the pounds to fill out her wrinkly skin. She will likely double in weight between now and birth (just over 8 weeks away). Sylvia is VERY active these days. A few of my patients have even gotten kicked in the shoulder or side of their head while getting their teeth cleaned. Don't worry, that's not awkward AT ALL- esp when it's a middle aged business man :)

I'm still feeling great though! I can tell she is getting bigger because heart burn is slowing creeping back, and its getting harder to breathe. She must be squishing my lungs and pushing ing my stomach contents up. Oh, and did I mention it is hot? Good Lawdt! I now sleep in what we call the "wind tunnel" complete with ceiling fan, box fan, and small night stand fan all blowing directly on me. I also *think* I have been having some braxton hicks contractions. I never had them with the girls, so I am not positive but I think that is what is going on. Overall everything is great in momma's world!

A few nesting things scratched off the list this week... you know just the important stuff. 

Big Sister/Little Sister outfits

And I started her hospital door hanger- just need to add some personalization.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Tummy Tuesday 30 Weeks

Here we are, 10 weeks-ish left. If Sylvia takes after her biggest sister she will be here in about 8 weeks, and if she takes after her little-big sister she will be here in 11 weeks. Either way is fine with me but the furthest she can come away from September 4th the better. Having your baby sister born on your birthday would be the epitome of middle child  syndrome. 

And for comparison
Mary Claire                                                      Margaret

I'd say pretty much identical.

Sylvia is getting bigger and bigger if you can't tell. She is approximately 16 inches long and 3 pounds now. From here on out she will just be packing on the pounds and maturing- getting ready for life on the outside.

And I'm still feeling great! Although, I do think I have painted my toenails for the last time. From here on out I will be getting pedicures. It is way to hard to reach my toes.

Had another doctors appointment today and again everything is great. Her heartbeat was 135bpm and everything looked "perfect." My visits are moving up to every 2 weeks. Home stretch...