Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tummy Tuesday 26 weeks

I'm claiming this as the beginning of the third trimeter! 
One, because there are differing timelines- some say 25 weeks, some say 27, so let's split the difference and say now. 
Two, because I am beginning to get the 3rd trimester aches and pains. Nothing too bad yet, but I can now claim heartburn, back aches, and insomnia as pregnancy symptoms. Some days I still feel great, others I am ready to tap out around 2pm. 

I had another doctor appointment today- Glucose test... whamp whaaaamp. But its funny how your perspective changes over time because I was actually looking forward to it. I had an hour to sit BY MYSELF and read a magazine while I waited for time to do the blood draw. It was like a mini vacation. :) Only problem was I remembered it was glucose test test day AFTER I licked the cinnamon roll icing container clean at breakfast. OOPS.... not my finest moment. 

and I wore my new maternity shirt too...
side note- I did put on real pants. 

Doc said all is well. Heart rate was normal (143bpm), belly was normal (22inches), and weight was good (a lady never tells her weight, lets just say up 25 pounds). Also got the pertussis booster to prevent whopping cough. Something about cocooning effect it will have on Sylvia. Whatever you need to do doc to keep my baby safe and healthy.

Sylvia is now 14 inches long and weighs 1.75 pounds. Her lungs are fully formed, but not quite ready for the outside world. She is breathing in and out small amount of amniotic fluid to prepare them to breath air. And her hearing is becoming more and more acute. She can now discern difference voices- she knows my voice verses her daddy's, and sisters. 

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