Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Tummy Tuesday 28 Weeks

This pregnancy has been almost identical to my other pregnancies with the girls, textbook I dare say.  Weight gain the same, symptoms the same, cravings the same, etc. But Sylvia's movements remind me so much of Mary Claire's. More fluid and all out front, lots of rolls with very little kicks and jabs. By this point I was already pretty uncomfortable with Margaret- her movements were more like karate kicks than a dancing ballerina, and I could feel her kicking toward my back and tailbone more that kicking out front. Not sure what that means? Maybe Margaret was lower in my belly, or some how positioned differently, or maybe it's because Margaret was 2 pounds bigger and 3 inches longer? If that's the case- that means Sylvia might be a tiny, little thing like Mary Claire. Only time will tell... Although, this pregnancy is similar to Margaret's in that I still do not have the dark line down my belly, yet. 

Although I am still suffering from severe pregnancy brain, or is it mom brain? Who knows? Regardless, I can't remember squat. But every now and then I get moments of pure genius. This being one of them.

Box fan blowing directly on me at night. PURE GENIUS! I don't think I have slept this good in months. HEAVENLY, I tell you.

My next appointment will be the last monthly appointment. Then we will be moving to 2 week appointments. Home stretch.... Hard to believe. Maybe I should start preparing for her arrival? So much to do, and approx. 12 weeks to do it in.
- Pre-register at the hospital
- Make "nursery"
- Organize and clean hand-me downs/ decide with needs replacing
- Buy additional items Sylvia needs
- Order breast pump
I'm sure there is more (oh, so much more) but thinking about it is overwhelming... so right now we are good with a box of discounted diapers and a cute hospital hat. Hopefully nesting will set in soon and I can start getting somethings done.

Baby Sylvia is now just over 2 pounds and almost 15 inches long, about the size of an eggplant. She can now blink her eyes batting those sweet little eyelashes that have recently appeared. Her toes have now caught up with her fingers to include little nails at the tips- that I can't wait to paint! Oh the joys of having girls!

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