Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Tummy Tuesday 20 Weeks

And just like that, we are half way. Well, unless she comes 2 weeks early like Mary Claire, or 1 week late like Margaret. Maybe she will split the difference and come around her due date?

Had the consult with the surgeon this week about my hernia. He reiterated what the OB said- that at this point in my pregnancy I should not have a problem with bowel getting stuck in the hernia because the uterus has pushed my intestines out of the way and it is blocking anything from getting in to the hernia. He described it as "significant, but not alarming" and I will need surgery to repair it after delivery. I asked him if I should just wait until the delivery of baby #4 to have it repaired, and he thinks I should go ahead and do it now, but be VERY cautious to not lift anything heavier than the baby for 4-6 weeks post op, and give it 18 months to 2 years to completely heal before getting pregnant again.  So there you have it folks....

Baby girl is STILL nameless, and it is kind of  a sore subject at our house. We were probably closer to a name last week than this week. We had all but settled on Ada Ross, I felt like maybe I was being too nit picky about the name. But when I started telling people that she would probably be Ada Ross I would get replies that just affirmed my thoughts about the name. I don't want her to have to spell her name, or correct the pronunciation for the Back to the drawing board...
Chase really wanted her to have had a name months ago so we can be calling her by name- especially to the girls so they will "know her" before she is here. I'm not just being difficult for the sake of argument, I wish we had one too, but I just can't settle- just like he can't settle on Lucy. I want us to both like the name. So, she is still nameless, but very, dearly loved.

Still nameless baby girl #3 is 10.5 inches long and weighs about 10oz. She now sleeps and can be awoken with loud noises or movement. In our case I think it is lack of movement. Those who know me know I rarely sit and do nothing. There is always something to do 'round these parts. But, the second I lay down to go to sleep she starts gymnastics practice. It's like my movements rock her to sleep, and then when I get still she wakes up. Let's hope this isn't something that sticks around once she is here.

Momma is still feeling good. Baby Center says I should have gained about 10 pounds, and well- I have almost *almost* doubled that expectation. Over achiever here. But, right on track to gain 50 pounds like I did both her big sisters. I've also gotten heart-burn once or twice this last week, so that may be starting up too.  But over all feeling great!

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