Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tummy Tuesday 17 weeks

Baby girl #3 is still nameless. We have a list of good options, but nothing is just PERFECT. With both Mary Claire and Margaret we had a name before conception, but this one is just so much harder. Both the girls have family names, and we would like to continue that with baby #3 but we are running out of good options we can agree on. Some of the top contenders are:


With solid family middle name options:
Lane (it's a stretch for "family" but an option still)

I really like all the names on the list, but they all have their pros and cons. Some of the cons automatically remove them as an option and other "cons" only one of us feel (uhem... Chase). 

So then I started thinking names outside of the family thinking we could pair it with a family name and call it done. I came up with Nora, Madeline (not lynn but line) or Jane. None I felt was prefect either- nothing to risk this baby feeling like the black sheep without a family name.

So here we are... undecided. Lots of good options, but nothing that doesn't require compromise. We get to see her again on Friday at the ultrasound appointment. Maybe after seeing her again we can make our final decision. 

Nameless, but oh-so-loved baby girl #3 is now 7.75 inches long and weighs about 5oz. Her skeleton is changing from cartilage to bone, and her little heart is already pumping 100 pints of blood a day! I have been able to feel her more and more each day- especially after I eat or when I lay down at night. She has plenty of room right now to do flips and rolls, but space will soon be getting tighter and so will my clothes. My hernia has been bothering me more than usual this week, but once I reach 22 weeks my uterus should move my gut up enough that it can not get caught in the hernia and cause a problem. I will be seeing a surgeon for a consult in the next few weeks to come up with a game plan to fix it after she get here. 

The stomach bug also hit our house this week. YUCK!!! Daddy took one for the team and played nurse so I wouldn't get it , but then he got it. It was a rough couple of days here at the Peeler house. Not sure I didn't get a twinge of it because I felt like I was back in the first trimester for about 4 days, but it's gone now thank goodness!

Excited to see our sweet baby again in a few days!

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