Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tummy Tuesday 19 Weeks

How are we almost half way? So hard to believe that Thursday will be the half way mark.

Momma is feeling great! I have my energy (and better attitude) back. You don't realize how grumpy you can get when you are sick and tired all the time. I have even started back walk/jogging. Feels good to get outside enjoy this beautiful weather and break a sweat. Even beginning to get the pregnancy glow- the horrible pregnancy acne I was having has reverted back to my regular old adult acne. Now, this is what I remember loving so much about being pregnant. Trying to saver every moment of this feeling, because before I know it, I will be hot, uncomfortable, and miserable and then she will be here. 

Before she gets here I guess we better decide on her name though. I never dreamed I would have this much trouble naming a baby. The problem is there is a name I just LOVE... Lucy, after my great-grandmother Mary Lucille. But that is the ONE name on the list that Chase is not crazy about. It's not that he doesn't like the name, it's just that he had a dog named Lucy growing up. I mean, I get it.... but.... ugh! It was my first pick for both of the girls, but since it was not his favorite we came up with a name that we both loved. (side note: he did agree when we decided on Mary Claire's name that if we had 4 girls the last one could be Lucy and at this rate....) But this time there is just not another name I LOVE. Sure, I have a laundry list of names I like, but all of them feel like I'm settling. I want to LOVE it!

Honestly, this kid has had a "name" like 4 times. Depending on when you ask me you would get different names. I have done them in monograms to see what they will look like, we have called her that to each other, but then after sleeping on it I change my mind. 

(1) Lucy Maire -calling her "Lucy"
 Chase conceded but then I opted out because I wanted him to WANT TO name her that. Can you say hormonal? But it is his baby too I guess.

(2) Ada (Something) -calling her "Ada"
Ada is very close to Ava which is a popular name, so I am afraid she would get "Ava?" "No, Ada" all.the.time. I don't want her to always be correcting people. Plus both big sisters have longer names so I don't think it flows well with them. Would she feel like the black sheep?

(3) Virginia Anne -calling her "Virginia"
This would be a very sentimental name for us, because she would be named after my MiMi. If naming her Virginia could guarantee us that she would act like MiMi it would be a no brainier. But, MiMi isn't fond of her name, and has said to me, "Don't do that to that sweet baby." So, if MiMi doesn't like her own name, I don't want to risk this baby not liking her name.

(4) Ada Ross (calling her "Ada Ross")
Another double namer, and the name we are on now. Ross was the middle name of our boy name, but I think Ada is feminine enough to hold a male name as a middle name. But when people ask me if we have a name it just doesn't roll off my tongue. It's Chase's pick, and truth is it is growing on me. So, I guess we will see. 

Almost named baby girl is 8.5oz and approx. 9.25 inches long. Her arms and legs are now proportional to her body and her scalp is beginning to sprout. She has everything an adult has, only in miniature. I can feel her move regularly now. Most of the time it feels like she is just rolling or squirming, but every now and then I feel a kick. Best.Feeling.EVER.


  1. Replies
    1. Ehh... that is the town my sister in law lives in. And we are wanting her to have a family name along with her big sisters.

  2. Since Chase isn't on board for calling her Lucy (which btw is my number 1 girl name too) then why don't you name her Ada Lucy Peeler or Virginia Lucy Peeler. That way you still have Lucy in there. Y'all will figure it out.

  3. I knew a girl at school named Ada. I don't remember ever confusing it with Ava. I think Ada is a great name!
