Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tummy Tuesday

19 Weeks

Have that pregnancy glow right?- Nope, just didn't wash my hair that day :) Oh they joys of motherhood!

Baby P's senses are beginning to develop. His/her smell, taste, touch, vision, and hearing are all beginning to function. So s/he may be able to hear me now. Hello sweet, sweet baby! S/he is around 8.5 ounces and 6 inches long, but we will know for sure on Friday when we FINALLY get the ultrasound. Patience is not one of my strong suits... can you tell? 

We may or may not find out the gender friday when we go to the doctor because I am a HORRIBLE secret keeper. I wouldn't mean to tell anyone, but I'm sure a he/she would slip. I just keep practicing "it's a healthy baby" over and over. So if you ask me about the ultrasound and I tell you, "It's a healthy baby" or call it a "shim"it because I know and thats the only thing I am allowed to say about it otherwise I may let it slip. We will so another gender reveal party next weekend, so surely I can keep a secret for a week right?

Speaking of a healthy baby- when I went in for my ultrasound with Mary Claire I honestly thought the main reason they did it was to check the gender... ignorance is bliss. I laid awake the night before the ultrasound wondering if it was a boy or a girl and dreaming of nursery colors and baby clothes (see this post). This time around I know there is soooo much that has to go just perfectly right to get a healthy baby that I am a lot more anxious about that part of the ultrasound. Chase and I opted not to do any of the early testing because it wouldn't have made a difference to us- this is our precious God-given child no matter what. So we have no information on this baby other than his/her heart beat which is always in the 150's. I just hope and pray that God has given us another beautiful, happy and healthy baby. 

Do I think it is a boy or a girl?
I was SURE it was a girl at first, then I was SURE it was a boy. But all Mary Claire talks about is her "baby sisser Marget"- so much so that her teachers have thought for weeks I already knew I was having a girl. She has about convinced me it is a girl again. We honestly don't care one way or the other. If it is a girl, it will be much easier and cheaper this time around since we have done "girl" before. Both of use would like to eventually like to have a boy, but since this will not be the last child it really doesn't matter at all.

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