Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tummy "Tuesday"

22 weeks

Yes, this post is a day late, so technically it is Tummy Wednesday. I would like to be able to blame it on all the bad weather we have been having the last 2 days but in all honesty I just forgot. So we can just blame it on "Pregnancy Brain."

Pregnancy Brain is a real thing- I have lost my phone more times than I can count in the last few weeks- once for almost 2 days. I have forgotten multiple times to take my Tummy Tuesday picture on Sunday night (middle of the"week") and if it doesn't get written down it doesn't get done, bought, or remembered.

Not much new this week in Margaret's world. I bought her nursery furniture (minus a crib- if you know of and iron crib for sell let me know!) and I love it.

 For now it has made a cozy home in the basement since her nursery currently looks like this. 

Margaret is truckin' right along. Still moving and shakin'- although the 4am summersaults would be much more fun at 4pm. Maybe one night I will remember not to roll on to my stomach and smoosh her. She is beginning to look like a real baby- a hairy wrinkly baby but a real baby all the same. Every time I picture her Chase and I both see a dark headed baby? Chase's dad and sisters all have dark hair so it could happen, right? Only time will tell. 

And for your viewing pleasure: 
A Red Neck baby in a diaper who was yelling, "Take MY PITCHER!!!!!"


  1. I sure do hope that Margaret looks at least a little bit like you, because MC (especially in the picture above) is ALL Chase.

  2. Oh It would be awesome to see dark hair but Tandis right..she's all Chade...:)....looking good. If I can help let us know..we are right up the street!!!
