Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tummy Tuesday

21 Weeks

This week was full of excitement- the biggest being the gender reveal party! Since most of our family was going to be come home to Memphis for Easter we decided to wait a week to reveal the sex of the baby. We can't do something for baby number #1 and not do it for baby #2 right?- or I am just setting myself up for failure? Only time will tell. 

Team Blue

Team Pink

Chase and I were gender neutral in grey and cream and I put Big Sister Mary Claire in Pink and Blue because we were going to have to be happy with whatever God gave us, but she joined team pink for the picture since ALL she has talked about is her "baby sisser Marget".

(disregard the sticker on her forehead- this kid will do anything for a laugh)

Everyone got their cupcake and gathered around... Ready? ONE.... TWO....

Hang on- Chase and I have an announcement. We have known all week! Yes that is right my friends I was able to keep it a secret for a week and mainly because no one knew that I knew. That way if I did mess up, no one would know I did. We didn't actually mean to find out. We did have the ultrasonic tech seal the gender in an envelope, but the first thing the doctor said when he walked in the room was, "Congratulations on you healthy baby girl! What an Easter blessing!" Chase and I just looked at each other and smiled- he had no idea we didn't know yet and we weren't going to tell him. :)

Ladies and Gentleman meet our healthy baby girl, 
Margaret Rhea Peeler

She is about the size of a carrot and really working on some final details like eyelids and eyebrows. Chase and both picture her with darker hair for some reason- can't wait to find out! Her little movements and baby flutters have turned into full blown kicks and wiggles. I can really feel her moving- especially when I lay down and am still. Chase even got to feel her move for the first time on Sunday night. The excitement in his voice was priceless! "Was that her?!?!?!" Yup- sure was. :)

And over all I am feeling great, most of the aches and pains I had been having are gone and I am not gigantically huge and uncomfortable yet- although nightly heartburn has already started. This is what I remember about being pregnant, so now I remember why I loved being pregnant so much. That first trimester I thought I must have been crazy.

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