Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tummy Tuesday

Baby number 3 is on his/her way!

And there is already a bump... Hey Uterus, you lost your crap waaayyy to early on this one!

This probably comes as no surprise to most of you. Chase and I are pretty open about wanting a large family and a 2 to 2 1/2 year age gap works well for us. 

I took a test (or 2, ok, maybe 4?) at the very end of December that confirmed that in true Peeler fashion we can talk about having another baby and it happens.

If anyone is noting our reactions to a positive pregnancy test it goes a little something like this:
Baby #1: Nervous Excitement followed by tears of joy
Baby #2: Elation followed by laughter
Baby #3: High-Five followed by a diaper change

Off to the doctor we went the first week of January. She confirmed what we already knew- I was about 4 1/2 weeks along with baby #3 who has an ETA of September 8, 2016. The doctor was a little concerned since it was so early and  I have a history of miscarrying, so she ordered blood work that day, and wanted me to come back in 2 days for additional blood work to make sure my progesterone was at an appropriate level and rising. 

All results came back with in a normal range- so up next an ultrasound at 7 weeks. 

Isn't that the cutest little blob you have ever seen!

The ultrasound confirmed I was exactly 7 weeks along with just one baby, and the baby was measuring a due date of Sept 8th- the same exact day the doctor calculated so looks like Margaret and baby #3 are going to be exactly 2 years apart. 

After leaving the doctor, we starting sharing the news with our family and friends starting with our girls.  Mary Claire's reaction might be one of my favorites. 

"Mary Claire, do you know what this is?" (showing her a picture of the ultrasound)
"Ummm..... Nope..."
"It's the baby in mommy's belly! You are going to have another baby sister or baby brother!"
"Good, I asked for a brother for Christmas, you know"

Well played Mary Claire, well played.

Over all I am feeling good. Really, really tired- by about 3pm I am done being an adult for the day, and by 7pm I am a zombie.  And I get kinda queazy at times. No food really ever sounds great, but if I get hungry then I feel sick, so I am eating pretty frequently. (hints why I have already gained 10lbs)

So, yes, we will have 3 children 4 and under. Yes, we will have 2 kids in diapers. And yes we are excited. Even if it is another girl. (Especially if it's another girl!)

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