Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tummy Tuesday

Maybe a little bump?

 I looking back to my weekly pictures with Mary Claire at 12 weeks was when I really started to show.

Definitely bigger with Mary Claire. I showed Chase the comparison and he said, "With how small Mary Claire was, this kid may weigh 3 pounds."- you Sir are correct. I'm sure having the stomach bug last week set me back a little, but no worries I catch up :)

My Doctors appointment last week was very uneventful. After sitting in the waiting room for 20 minutes (UGH!) I got called back sat in a room for another 30 minutes (DOUBLE UGH!) Patience is not one of my strong suits. As a matter of fact I suck at it. I was NOT a happy camper! Didn't they understand I had things to do on my day off... my only day to sew, clean house and get groceries?!?! COME ON PEOPLE!! Then the nurse finally came in, "I'm so sorry, the doctor has not come up from the hospital yet- she is in emergency surgery. I can have another doctor come in if you don't want to wait." Talk about a kick in the gut! I'm sitting here ticked about having to wait and someone else is having the worst day of their life. Possibly loosing a baby or wife, and all I can think about is how it ruined my morning plans. Needless to say I waited patently from there on out. Got to hear my sweet little baby's heart beat, and was told "Looks great! See you in 4 weeks." 2 hours later I was leaving.

As for Momma P- I am feeling better. I'm still occasionally nauseous, but it is getting better. And still very tired all the time, not I want to sleep kind of tired- just I want to be still and quiet kind of tired... you know veg-out on the couch and not move. Complete and total exhaustion starting around 2pm. Which isn't always the recipe for a happy husband. Hopefully in the next few weeks that will subside too. But over all I can not complain.

As far as cravings I want
- Pizza
- Fruit... any and all of it
- Pizza
- Baked Potatoes
- Salad
- Pizza
- Twizzlers (only the soft pull and peel ones)
- oh, did I mention Pizza?

And I have had a complete avulsion to chicken?!?! We usually eat chicken 3-4 times a week, but I can probably count on one had the times I have eaten chicken since Christmas. It seems to be getting better though. Over-processed nuggets I can now stomach. How healthy right?

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