Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Brown Boys Babysit

***This is the post from Aunt Mary Leigh, because obviously I wasn't there***

Today the Brown Boys had their first babysitting gig. They got to babysit their cousin, Mary Claire.
So here’s a run down on how the Brown boys babysit, in case you are interested in their services.
First, greet your client. Get down on her level and get in her face.
Blow bubbles right into her face to entertain her.
When she cries turn to momma and say “he crying. that hurt him” and point to her bow and demand we take it off.
Let her watch your favorite shows with you.
Give her a paci.
But when that doesn’t work, go find her bottle out of her diaper bag.
Let momma warm the bottle, then feed it to her.
Then when momma takes over the feeding, it’s time for some quality control.
Test out that hairbow that was “hurting him”
And then test out her carseat to make sure she’ll be safe.
Then diaper change time.
Lay next to her and sing her “twinkle twinkle little star”
Make sure she has her paci.
Take her outside for chalk drawing. Where you try to convince momma she should lay on the concrete so you can draw her. Momma nixed that idea.
Back inside, where she wanted to take a nap and we share Brodie’s crib.
But some babysitters were kinda loud, so she couldn’t sleep. So a song and dance performance was put on as entertainment.
Again, make sure she has her paci.
And finally, let her take a nap.
So, there you have it folks. That’s what you’ll get if you hire the Brown Boys to babysit.

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