Saturday, December 13, 2014

Margaret 3 months

Our Baby is 3 months old!

You are growing like a weed!!! Mommy has had to break out some clothes I got you for Christmas because you are already wearing 6 month clothes and growing so quickly I am afraid they won't fit too much longer. But honestly you (and mommy and Mary Claire) stay in PJ's most days. Not a bad gig!

This last month you have blossomed. My little newborn has turned into an alert baby. It's all happening so quickly! You are finding your voice and your little personality is starting to shine. We have some pretty long conversations with you now where you mimick noises. Cutest.Thing.EVER. Most of the time the conversation is "I-gooo",  "ggeewww".

Silly to solemn in no time flat.

You can also make the saddest sad face I have ever seen. Lip pouched out and quivering, teary eyes, and the saddest little pouting noises. Breaks mommy's heart. But as quickly as you turn it on, you can turn it off. It is hysterical. It happens most of the time when you get startled- which is frequently.

Beside the bath your favorite place is the playmate. You LOVE LOVE LOVE your playmat. The monkey and the bird that hang down in your face are the best.things.ever. And you will watch that sweet baby in the mirror for hours (ok maybe 15-20 minutes but still, that's a long time for a baby).  Just in the last few days though you seem to have taken a liking to the bumbo. Guess you like to see what's going on and not just look at the ceiling. Not sure I blame you.

No real milestones yet. You've just started to roll to your side from your back, but have yet to make a full roll to your belly. It won't be long though! You are awake a lot more during the day now.- probably bed by 8 and I don't see you again until 6ish- when you eat and then sleep again until after 8. Mommy swaddles you and fills your tummy around 7:45, lay you down- and BAM we don't see you again until the morning! You are awesome! There are a few night here lately you have gotten up a few times, but blame that on mommy. I tried no swaddle one night- TOTAL DISASTER. And we are fighting some tummy issues at the moment so I think that has disrupted your nightly sleep as well.

Just in the last few weeks we have started battling some tummy issues.  There would be times you would just squill out and then cry inconsolably. At first they started just one or 2 times a week, but kept getting closer and closer together. Mommy tried everything. Changing my diet, changed bottle nipples, nursed more, bottle more, warm milk, etc. I tried everything. I finally called the doctor and the nurse recommended milk of magnesia in your bottle thinking it might be pains due to reflux. Man oh Man was that a miracle drug. You have been so happy since we started that. Best $5 I have ever spent! But now a week or so after starting the medicine your belly is hurting in a whole new way... Things are coming out all wrong. Bless your little heart! I'm beginning to think it is Dr Pepper- only time will tell.

Some fun things this month- Thanksgiving.

And the start of Christmas activities

Zoo Lights

And a Christmas Parade that you hated. Loud and during dinner- not your thing

 I also think you have developed excema. Doc says you more than likely have a very mild case that will only be problematic in the winter.

Oh... and a birthmark... sorta, maybe?

You were fussing in the other day and then all of a sudden stopped- nervously I came to check on you and found this.
"She hungry mommy"

She is your biggest fan! You are so very lucky to have such a great big sister! You two will be the best of friends!

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