Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Margaret's 2 Month's Old

Look at this big girl!!!

Really she is a BIG girl, even the doctor agrees. Weighing in at 12lbs 8oz and 23 1/4 inches rockets her up into the 95%! She is already wearing 3-6 month clothes. This is a whole new ball game to me since her sister was (is) such a shrimp. I guess God new Margaret was going to have to be big and strong to have a big sister like Mary Claire. And also a good thing I wasn't "prepared" for her arrival with a closet full of clothes because they sure wouldn't fit :)

Dr. Saino thinks you're just perfect and so does mommy!

We couldn't ask for a better baby!

She is great at eating, sleeping, and pooping! Isn't that all babies do?

This kid LOVES to eat (see above stats). Her favorite is "straight from the tap" as daddy says, but she will take it any way she can get it. Daddy has lovingly been calling her Marge since she came home, but we have since learned that can lead to unkind nick-names (uhem... Large Marge) so he has now stopped. I would have some picture of you doing your favorite thing, but since you like it "from the tap" I didn't think that was appropriate :)

Sleeping is her second favorite thing to do, as long as it is at night. Naps are for whoosies. Although she will fight a nap like no ones business, at night I lay her down awake and she will sleep for 7-8 hours straight! We put her down at 8pm when big sister goes to bed so I am getting up with her once around 4 to feed her, but we are back in bed in under 15 min and then sleep until 8 or so. Thank you Jesus (oh, and Baby Wise)! Momma loves her sleep, and so do her babies!

And pooping is her least favorite. Princess must be changed immediately following a bowl movement or she will cry until she has a fresh diaper. And honestly, not sure I blame her. I wouldn't like to sit in my own poo either.

You know what else is not her favorite? Riding in a car. Yup- we live 45 minutes away from civilization (read- the mall) and she h.a.t.e.s the carseat. JOY! Hints why we stay at home in our PJ's all day.

But her FAVORITE thing of all time?????



Margaret absolutely loves the bath tub. Most nights she take a bath with her sister, and she loves every.single.second of it. She coos, and babbles, and kicks her little feet. She is her happiest in that tub seat, and when baby is happy mommy is happy!

Lucky for you, Daddy's new job lets mommy stay at home with you all day long. You really like to stay in your pj's all day and so does mommy :) Before too long though, I hope I can find something part time so that you will get to spend some time spreading those sweet grins and wet kisses with someone else. It will be good for you and for mommy. Promise.

Margaret's first holiday was halloween, and how stinkin' cute are my butterfly and caterpillar?!?! Margaret almost didn't have a costume! I could NOT find it ANYWHERE the morning of halloween. But found out we left it at D'D's house just moments before we had to be at trunk or treat. WHEW! I was so sad that she wouldn't get to dress up her first halloween!

At the ripe old age of 7 weeks Mommy and Daddy left her for the first time- and went to Vegas of all places! For 5 days you got to be an only child and play at NaNa/Pops and D'D/PopPop's house. You survived and so did Mommy and Daddy! I think it was good for all parties involved. I also think it was the first time a Vegas mini fridge held expressed breast milk.

And so much for you Margaret looking like Mommy.
Better luck next time mom. Apparently I am just an incubator.

And I am pretty sure Mary Claire is still Margaret's biggest fan!

We love everyday learning more and more about you. You are a much different baby than your sister, she was a good baby too, but the two of you are just so different. Other than the size difference you are much quieter (maybe that will stick? wishful thinking?) and more solemn than your sister was, but that makes the sweet smiles and coos I get even more special. You don't have the tummy issues your big sister had so we all don't smell like sour milk mixed with Desitin 24/7 so that's always nice. You are your own individual person, and I can't wait to watch you grow!

OH, and not to forget another monumental event during your second month of life... Your first Matilda Jane outfit!

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