I sure thought I looked fatter than this...
I feel so bloated and fat... but apparently I look about the same. Maybe a small pudge?
This pregnancy isn't much different than the last, but my life style this time around is a 180. Raising a kid while making a kid isn't for the faint of heart. Last time around I could come home and get right in the bed and sleep until 15 min before time to leave for work- NOT this time. Luckily I have a rock star husband that lets me lounge on the couch and act puny while he feeds Mary Claire, bathes her and puts her to bed. Poor guy hasn't had a hot meal in weeks (kidding... kinda). Next time you see Chase- High Five him, or maybe offer to wash his clothes. :)
I am much more cautious during this pregnancy than I was with Mary Claire. Last time I just KNEW it was a healthy pregnancy, with a healthy baby, and I was going to have a textbook delivery. And guess what? I was right. But now I realize how truly blessed we really are. Just praying we are as blessed this time around.