Thursday, April 9, 2015

Margaret is 7 months!

And another month has flown by!!! This cute kid is 7 months old!

In case you are wondering, crying it out went great! You are pretty consistently sleeping 8pm-8am. That's right... 12 hours straight! Occasionally you still wake up but you have figured out how to soothe yourself and go back to sleep with out needing me. Hallelujah! That makes for a much happier baby and mommy!

Good Morning Sunshine!

 I guess the biggest thing this month is you have found your thumb. 

Yes, at the ripe old age7 months, you have decide to be a thumb sucker.

You REALLY, REALLY like it! At first I would replace your thumb with a paci which you weren't opposed to but I didn't always have a paci to give you, and that thumb makes you oh so happy- so I just have up. Thumb suckers are super cute (see below), but man it is going to be hard to get you to stop. Oh, and the Orthodontic bills are going to be expensive... Oh well, guess we will cross that bridge when we get there. 

Taste even better as dessert!

 It is finally warming up outside, and we are taking full advantage of it with stroller rides.

Sweet Sisters holding hands unprevoked. Be still my heart.

Trips to the zoo

and just being outside

but man, the sun really makes you tired...

We celebrated your first Easter this last month... He Arose!! 

and the Easter Bunny came to see you too!

 Not to mention "egg hunting" with the boyfriend.

You are getting big enough now to sit in a high chair when we go out to eat. How is that possible?!?!

And we have yet to find a food you won't eat.. Avocados still are not your favorite but you eat them... slow and steady

Sweet girl, it is so hard to believe you are getting so big. Our "tiny" infant has morphed into a sweet little baby. You smile with your whole body, and that sweet little grin is so infectious. You have added so much joy to our little family.  That sweet toothless grin melts me every time. Yes... still toothless despite teething for the last 4 months. 

I am so excited for what this next month hold for you. You finally get a nursery! Infact we are moving this weekend. This tailspin we have been living in since you have joined our family is 
ALL ... MOST ... OVER! 
We are about to find our new normal as a family of 4, and I can't wait. 

Exiting Survival Mode. 

Look out Atoka, here we come!