Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Margaret is 4 months old!

Big Girl is FOUR whole months old!

Sweet Girl is getting so big! How are you already 4 months old? How is that possible? You have discovered your hand and they stay in your mouth constantly. Maybe you are already trying to teeth... who knows? It's flu season 'round these parts, so it's driving momma crazy!

So you might be teething sooner than usually, but that's about all you are doing early. Sister, you STILL have not rolled over. Geeze Louise! Well, you have rolled over a time or 2 but nothing consistent, and I would not check that box on a developmental sheet. Doctor says it is fine, and I quote "Big babies are slower to meet the gross motor skills milestones, I wouldn't worry". He's got one thing right, you are a big baby! You now weigh 15 1/2 pounds and are in the 90% in weight, height, and head circumference. So you are proportional.... just big. :)

You will roll up on your side but never all the way over.

And you do a pretty sweet "Cat Pose"

 To be honest you are just as close to sitting up on your own as you are to rolling over. Maybe you will just skip that milestone all together?

In fact all of the concerns I had to ask him at your check up are due to being a big baby.
Rosey Cheeks: You stay warmer because you have more insulation
Dry, scaly skin: You are warmer so you sweat more and when it evaporates it dries out your skin
No longer sleeping through the night: You need something more substantial to eat to keep you fuller.

Here we are at your 4 month well check.

(isn't Mary Claire a good photographer?)

This is all so new to me since your sister was a shrimp! You were able to wear a lot of her Christmas hand-me downs she wore at 10 months old. She was a size behind and you are a size ahead so it just worked out perfectly! 

Speaking of Christmas...

Santa was not your favorite dude, but you had a great Christmas anyway.

Making Christmas Cookies at MiMi's

And our whirlwind christmas extravaganza!

5 Christmases in 24 hours! That will wear a baby out!

Don't forget the 2014 Christmas Card

NOT AT ALL what I was going for, but when you don't get a SINGLE picture of everyone looking at the camera much less smiling this is the kind of card you have to have. 
Gotta work with what you get :)

You are starting to get a little hair. Not much, but what you do have is (relatively) long and blonde.

We did end up figuring out your tummy issues. It was cokes. Any kind... Coke, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Mt. Dew- Anything like that hurts your belly. Sad day for momma! Maybe staying away from them will help me knock off the rest of this baby weight though?

What a difference 3 months makes!

Your sister is still your biggest fan. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how much she adores you (and you her!)