Look who is 6 months old!!!
I swear she gets cuter by the minute :)
A lot has happened in Mary Claire's 6 month... a beach trip, solid foods, dreaded 6 month shots, having mommy stay at home full time, baptism, daddy at auctioneer school for 8 days, and her love for Libby has just blossomed!
Beach Trip:
Chase's parents planned a relaxing anniversary trip to the beach with another couple friend of theirs- and what is a beach trip with out a 6 month old right?!?!? Well, that's what we thought so we invited ourselves to go! It was going to be a short trip for us, but a trip to the beach non-the-less.
Did MC like the beach you ask?

Not so much...
But momma sure did!
MC did a little of this... And some of that...
Posed for a picture or two...
Then it was game over- she wasn't having fun.
6 month Well Check:
We couldn't be more blessed with a healthy, happy baby!
14.38 lbs (18%tile)
24.75 in (11%tile)
16.73 in head circumference (61%tile)
Still a little girl with big brains!
What?!?!!? I'm getting shots?
After her check up we headed to the physical therapist for another check-up. All is well there too- just continue stretching.
Solid Foods:
The Doctor ok'ed us to start solid foods- not just the rice cereal she LOVES so much- so I got on pinterest (you know- where all good ideas are) and found out how to make my own baby food. It is cheaper and healthier- so why not?
Up first- Carrots, avocado, green peas, apples, and zucchini.
The first one we introduced to MC- Green Peas.
At first I think the texture got to her.
But second try...
She LOVES them!
Stay at home mom:
Due to an unfortunate series of events I am now a stay at home mommy- and lovin' it! I can do things I wasn't able to do being a working mommy.
ie- make baby food.
(see above)
Impromptu shopping trips
make super cute hairbows
And just spend quality time with my baby doing the best job on earth- being a mommy.
And until another door opens- I'll be praising Him in the hallway and loving every minute of it!
Chase Peeler, the Auctioneer:
At the beginning of the month Chase took a 8 day course to become a licensed Auctioneer. He still has to apprentice for a few years before he is fully licensed, but if anyone is looking for an auctioneer- I know a really good one! His teacher even called him "golden voice" and sees great potential in him. We are so proud of you Daddy!
Mary Claire and Libby:
To say Mary Claire LOVES Libby would be an under statement... Her face just lights up and she smiles with her whole body anytime Libby gets near her. Mommy and Daddy love this because every time she cries at home we call LIbby over and cries turn to immediate giggles... Libby is better than any ole pacifier!